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Sunday 31st December 2017

The last few minutes of 2017 ended with some not entirely unexpected disillusionment. I discovered something that I had half expected that the Derek Griffiths on Twitter is not the real Derek Griffiths, in spite of having a blue tick. 
Back in the summer the ex-Play Away star and voice of Bod (amongst many other things) had appeared on the forum and I had happily RTed the fact. Derek had then DMed me to thank me for the follow. I was flattered to think that he’d have any idea who I was and I welcomed him warmly and thanked him for the memories. It was cool to be able to let someone know that they meant something to you and why would anyone pretend to be Derek Griffiths. Plus he had the blue tick. I don’t even have a blue tick. I have long suspected that I am not me on Twitter. But I so admire the persistence and commitment of the false me, plus he publicises a lot of my stuff, so I have let it go.
But I thought Derek might make an interesting guest on RHLSTP and I liked the idea of being Twitter friends with him.
Derek seemed a bit pushy on Twitter, DMing me a few time, asking for more RTs. It rang some alarm bells, but I put it down to him getting to grips with the service and being an older gentlemen. And it was mainly to promote his work or get him new followers. But I was beginning to suspect something was awry. He started asking me to send signed books for  a charity event that “a chap” was running. Not beyond the realms of possibility, but it seemed a bit odd. Would Derek Griffiths really think that my book was going to be worth much at a charity auction and it seemed a bit presumptuous to ask me in the way he did. He didn’t say what the charity was.  him, but for a “chap” who was running the event. I said that I was on the way to Edinburgh and all my stuff was in boxes, but I’d try. He sent me the name and address of the chap running the charity. I presume that name and address was the name of the person pretending to be Derek (and also the name and address of the recipient of the charity). But even then, would someone go to these lengths for a free book?
I didn’t send the book. And a few weeks later, Derek asked me again, saying there was another event the next month. I didn’t think Derek Griffiths would behave this way. But even if he did, I thought it was a bit much, so I didn’t send a book. And Derek didn’t contact me again.
So it’s a shame to have my suspicions confirmed and to think that someone would be arsed to hoodwink people in this way. I heard some talk about him auctioning lunches on eBay as Griffiths, so it wasn’t just a bit of fun. It’s hardly going to be a huge haul of stolen goods for this guy and there must be something more going on there and it’s probably more of a mental issue than someone being a criminal mastermind. This is pretty much all on a par with someone pretending to be Rod Hull to get free jelly, I guess. Apparently he’d done it with a few celeb names - I did see him welcoming various other people to Twitter, including Alison Steadman, so assume that one is fake as well. 
Just left a bit of a bitter taste at the end of they year, though let’s face it, it wasn’t the worst thing that happened in 2017. 
But I do have the probable name and address of the person responsible, so I can send him a signed book or a box of something else if I feel so inclined.
Anyway, I am Richard Herring. I am him. I am. 
Happy New Year. I have a feeling 2018 is going to be brilliant for everyone.

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