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Monday 10th December 2018


It was my daughter’s nursery’s carol concert this afternoon and I have to say she’s certainly come on a long way since last year, when her performance was unfocused and she wandered off into the audience (though that at least proves Stewart Lee’s act is at the level of a 2 year old). This time she sang along and did most of the actions (and even some that no one else did) and seemed to have a good time. She didn’t like it when people clapped though, choosing to put her hands over her ears in disdain at the approval of the crowd(proving Stewart Lee’s act also works from a 3 year old too). 
Apparently the show had been somewhat hampered by Ofsted turning up for an inspection this morning, curtailing rehearsals and backdrop making. This is why you must prepare for a performance in advance. But also, what a load of Scrooges Ofsted are. I hope some ghosts turn up to make them think about wrecking a carol concert for some under-5s. 
And shamefully my daughter had ruined the whole show for me anyway, by giving away the arm swinging finale of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas (and a happy oooo eee)”.
As the government did it’s best to stuff the pop-up tent that is Brexit back into the bag it had come in, I used my afternoon to try and get my office into more order. Previous attempts have just made it unusable and messy, so today I tried to get access to the tiny box room that serves as my store. Like you I have boxes of old chargers and cables and was wondering if I dare risk throw any of them away. Even though I didn’t know what most of them were for, or if they were really useable. How many spare kettle type leads do I need? Surely it’s none, but I have at least six (and I hold on to them because once I lent my projector to someone and it came back without that very lead). What are all the various USB to other kind of connectors called and are they mainly obsolete now? I know my baby monitor and kindle are charged with one kind, but what about the one with the slightly wider connection? I’ve got loads of those.
And there is a really complicated Apple connector that I have no idea what it’s for and its’ still in its packet and I have never used it, but still dare I chuck it? Of course not.
I did daringly throw out the back up discs for a Mac computer that broke down eight years ago and another little dongle for a MacBook Air that is also no longer in service. I bet I will regret it.
The office is still a mess. But I have found some good prizes for the monthly badger/dripster end of year draw. Why not be a goal hanger and start donating now for a chance to win some excellent junk and old scripts/photos/signed stuff/books and DVDs that I’ve been given. Badgers here 
Loads more benefits, plus your money is used to go towards paying for filming RHLSTP.

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