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Thursday 22nd March 2018


OK, how about the blue passports get made in France and the burgundy ones get made in UK and we get to choose which one we want based on how patriotic we are?

A little pocket of time at home this morning, before heading north for three nights away (well back in the early hours of Sunday morning). I cuddled my son, walked my daughter to school and then off I went. 
I miss those little idiots when I am gone.

I am still holding it together pretty well, although I did snooze for 30 minutes in the car and I am not anywhere near in the mindset to get my writing work done. 
Weirdly I can tell that my brain is not in gear when I attempt to write my blog and find my mind is blank, even when stuff has happened. My subconscious is quite good at shutting down when I have made too many demands on it.
The traffic was bad and I then started getting it in the neck from Corbynistas for making a light joke about Corbyn poking his head through a sign and then making a comment about how it’s a strange phenomenon nowadays that some people don’t able to let fun be poked at the leader of their choice. The stream of serious tweets I got in response certainly helped prove me wrong.
It really hampers your ability to be a comedian if people are going to take you seriously about everything. Obviously I will press onwards.
One of the tweeters did finally concede that I “probably” knew more about comedy than him. Which was big of him. I haven’t felt so patronised since I went for my last meeting at Channel 4.
Still I seem able to piss off the left wing, the right wing, Farage supporters, Trump supporters, feminists and meninists. So I am either doing something very wrong or very right. But it’s interesting that the fans of each group only notice it when the humour is directed at them. Or in this case really just about them. It was the most harmless and throwaway joke imaginable.
I think we’re all fucked.
As we made our way further north after an almost sold out and rather lovely gig in Market Drayton - a town that I had assumed was people by puppets and narrated by Brian Cant I decided to lighten the mood by making some day jokes about the death of the Toys R Us founder. RIP Geoffrey etc. Even though these were about the recent death of a man whose business had just collapsed there were no complaints from anyone. I guess the political people are too busy to defend the honour of the dead. We must only concern ourselves with the living.

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