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Wednesday 30th June 2004

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Being ill sucks a bit dog's cock. I've been to the doctors and am now on antibiotics, but things seem to be getting worse rather than better. I am extremely tired, but finding it hard to sleep and when I do manage to drop off have very disturbing and confusing dreams.
This couldn't really have come at a worse time. I really need to get on with working on the show and completing my remaining tasks, but am too weary and light-headed to get anything done. I am supposed to be going to Pamplona on Saturday to protest against the Running of the Bulls, but this involves an 18 hour coach trip, which I don't think I would be in any state to cope with unless I get better rather rapidly. It would be a big setback to miss out on this event, not least because I'd have to think of something else to do for my show.
I don't get ill very often and so it's something that I'm not good at dealing with. It does make me appreciate how lucky I am to generally have my health. It's all the more annoying because I've brought this on myself. In fact two months ago I was pretty much as fit as I've ever been in my adult life and then I've pissed it up against a wall by behaving like an ass. A jack ass. A particularly stupid jack ass, who has possibly had some kind of head injury.
Still even in the midst of the sweat and the pain and the spots on my tongue I can't help thinking it was all worth it. I can always just do an hour long improvised dance in Edinburgh. I am sure people will still love it.

On the positive side whenever I open my fridge and see the cans of beer and bottle of wine that are in there I feel physically sick. Perhaps I have managed to wean myself off booze for good. I haven't had a drink for five days now. On the other hand I never felt this bad in the last two months of getting pissed every night, so maybe it is the lack of booze that is making me ill. Yes that's it. Definitely. Medical science has it all wrong. The way out of this nightmare is beer.

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