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Friday 26th October 2012

Back in 2010 on the 8th birthday or Warming Up I set myself the task of getting a sitcom or comedy drama into production by 25th November 2012 It seems unlikely I will hit this mark, although if I finish my Rasputin script by the end of this month and the BBC come back very quickly with a positive response I suppose I might just claim to have succeeded. Those are two big ifs, as though I have done a little better with the script in the last couple of days it is still some way off being ready. But if I can work hard for the next three days you never know. And the chances of the BBC green-lighting that project in the next three weeks are about as good as the chances of anything coming from Mars. The odds of which have become a lot worse since we've been there to find there's fuck all. Though I did have to do a double take when I saw the headline "Fighting mars Syrian ceasefire" today as my brain interpreted it in a way that was not (I hope) intended the first time round.
But at the same time I asked for you readers to send in your goals for November 2012 and today Al got in touch to say
"Hi Richard
About 2 years ago you blogged about the 10 anniversary of WU and asked for reader's aims, I wanted "to attend one of your gigs, sit in the front row and not be the fattest nerd in the audience... I have no problem with the nerd part."
I'm hoping we get to hear how all the people who replied got on at some point so thought it only fair, if slightly self-indulgent, to update you
I lost a lot, then plateaued and then restarted in February, because, after years of knowing I should lose weight, having a wife and kids who wanted me to lose weight, it was the thought of not completing my RHWUTARC* that drove me on. Now, whilst I could still fairly be described as portly ta-dah: here's the evidence.
Overall I've lost over 30kilos (about 5 stone), that's since your blog, the butter thing is just the recent bit.
As to the stated aim, well, I did attend the warmup of Talking Cock 2 in Cambridge and I'm pretty sure I spotted at least 2 larger people so "achievement unlocked"
To another 10 years (as I might be around to see them now)
Congratulations to Al, but like him I would be interested in hearing from anyone else who took part in this exercise of hope two years ago. You might have been successful like Al, or unsuccessful, like me. It'd just be interesting to know where you'd got to with it. Let me know if you're happy to have the result printed in the blog, but I will keep things anonymous (or in initials as I did before) if you wish.
And if you haven't achieved your goal yet, then you've got about four weeks to pull your finger out. Good luck. The pledges are all included in the entries starting at November 26th 2010 if you want to read them.

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