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Saturday 10th October 2009

Looks like my stupid, fear fuelled brain will be doing all the work for the show on Sunday. I was tired and lethargic all day, until I finally got out of the house to go to my gig, when predictably suddenly cogs started whirring and I began having ideas. The one time of the day when I was nowhere near a computer and didn't have a pad with me. But it's always the way and the stultification is a familiar and necessary part of the process. It's going to be an interesting journey over the next ten weeks and I hope things will get easier or better, but there's a part of me that is very excited about this project, even if there is another part that wants to continuously vomit.
One new thought had come to me when reading this article about Gordon Brown's retinal tears, because my brain (as yours probably does) wants to read it as crying tears, rather than ripping tears. And there's something rather lovely and poetic about this sad and doomed man having invisible micro tears in his eye. Like he's some kind of enchanted statue or fairy tale character imprisoned in an ice fortress. I am not sure there's anything in that idea for a spoken show. It's mainly a visual gag. But I liked the imagery. And also the concept of someone dancing with tears (the ripped kind) in their eyes. That too is oddly poetic. My eye is all torn up, but I am still dancing.
Well we'll see what comes out on Monday.

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