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Sunday 9th August 2009

Tired contentment is all I have for you at the moment. It was a very lazy Sunday, getting up after midday after a slightly restless night, showing my girlfriend the magic cat, who was waiting for us as we passed, having lunch at Bar Napoli (ravenously hungry making the pizzas taste like the best thing we'd ever eaten), having a coffee at Cafe Nero, buying some groceries and DVDS, coming home, watching three episodes of series 2 of "Flight of the Conchords" - still loving it very much so far, failing to go for a swim, realising too late that that meant I hadn't had a shower today, having to head out for the gig anyway. I was going to sweat enough anyway, as it was, so there was little point in cleaning off yesterday's sweat. Was there?
The gig was fine, but maybe I was a little tired, or maybe it was a bit of a Sunday evening crowd, but it didn't reach the fever pitch of the last couple of nights. I cut a chunk but also forgot a chunk, though deftly managed to include it as I summed up at the end - less deftly pointing out my error which would have otherwise gone unnoticed. Through the power of Twitter I found out that I got a 4 star review in the Telegraph, but two journalists have been so it will be interesting to see which one reviewed it. I guess the paper is out on the streets of London already, but I can't get it here and it's just passed midnight and it's not yet up on the internet, so I've been unable to read it myself.
I headed home after just one cider, but I think that was a good thing. The rain was drizzling down on me as I walked, but it wasn't unpleasant, but the conditions were too inclement for my new feline friend to be out and about as I neared home. I missed him. His green eyes have lit the way home.
A man I talked to after the gig had told me about edtwinge which apparently looks at Twitter and gives some rating about the Edinburgh shows that people are talking about. Nice to see that (as I write) I am coming in 7th place.
A couple more fun moustache sightings here and here. Keep them up folks and do send me the links or post them up here. I am enjoying this silly bit of puerile naughtiness.
So just been winding down at home on my own post show and it's been fun. It's good to get time to yourself during the Fringe and good to get away from the fools on the hill, partying into the night.
My girlfriend just got home and made me a hot chocolate, which is about as un-rock and roll as you can get. But for her sake I think I'd better go and have a shower before I go to bed.
Night all.

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