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Saturday 30th May 2020


I had a couple of small glasses of red wine last night with dinner and after nearly two weeks without booze that decision rebounded on me and I had a disturbed nights sleep. I worried the tiredness would destroy me as I was doing the lion’s share of the child care today to make up for my wife being a hero and giving me more time to work. But somehow I pushed on through and we kept quite active. 
We walked and scooted through the stone field to the rec so the kids could use the basketball court to practice scooting. My son put a stone on the main cairn unprompted (he may have seen me doing it). The field is in safe hands for the next generation.
In the afternoon my wife set up the sprinkler and we played games trying to avoid getting hit by the water. My son calls the sprinkler his “best friend” so let no one claim that lockdown is having an adverse effect on our youngsters. Sure they may not get to see anyone, but they find a way to make pals. It’s very like the movie Castaway and who doesn’t see Tom Hanks as a role model.
I also used the opportunity to do a bit of gardening. I do not really know what I a doing and I can’t really tell the difference between plants and weeds - and I find it offensive that plants are segregated in this way. But I pulled up some stuff that was growing in the wrong place and took a chance with some other bits and bobs and then got out my shearers and had a go at some of the hedges, One of the small windows in my daughter’s room was completely covered in ivy and I could hardly open it. But I managed to clear most of the creeping plant though I had to lean out the window a bit to reach round and pull off the worst bits. But I didn’t fall out and I managed to more or less fill our garden bin with foliage and so felt like I’d achieved something pretty impressive. I may have killed the bushes with my random pruning, but it’s a small price to pay for feeling like I have some use.

All fairly idyllic in our village, for the moment at least. But America is starting to see the consequences of having a chump in charge and I suspect we shall too. 

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