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Tuesday 23rd May 2017

I woke up early as usual and checked my phone and couldn’t quite get my head round what was happening. Something had happened overnight clearly and the headlines said Manchester, but my brain was struggling to square that up with the headlines. Was this a Manchester in America? Slowly and horribly it all sunk in. It’s hard to believe that the world can still shock you with its brutality, but it still manages to do so. What can you do against utter fucking cunts like this? There’s nothing you can really do to stop something like this and no punishment that will act as a deterrent when the act of aggression is already a death sentence. Once again I found myself wishing that in the likely event that there is no Heaven, there is somehow some kind of waiting room between life and oblivion where someone lets us know that this is the case and so the perpetrators of this kind of horror learn that they aren’t getting the after life they have been promised and have just murdered some children for no reason. And if there is a Heaven I would assume that any god capable of creating the universe and all that’s in it would be horrified that something like this had been carried out in their name. "I mean, come on, mate. Did you really think that I prefer some of the people over other people I created and am happy that you’ve destroyed some of the stuff I did? You utter prick. It makes me wish I’d actually created a Hell (which clearly I wouldn’t do cos I am not a bellend) rather than just not corrected people when they have assumed there must be one. I could make one, but then what kind of a monster would I be? It’s my own fault for making so many prickish humans. To teach you a lesson I am now going to cease to exist. I can do that. I am God. I can do anything.”
As always the terrorists used our weight against us and their puny but effective little bomb and these needless deaths and injuries will fill us all with fear, way out of proportion to the actual statistical chances of being caught up in these events. I know the maths and yet it still makes me scared and as much as I claim that I won’t allow it to change the way I live, it will (but only in a minor way because I am always convinced that every trip out of my front door will result in accident or death anyway), it still does affect the way I live my life. Ultimately we will carry on living as we do, because we have to, but with more dread and suspicion. 
Well done for the people of Manchester for largely coming together and refusing to be cowed, but we’re still being chipped away at. And though it’s all as likely to happen to us personally as it is that we will win the lottery (though I do live my life assuming that that will definitely happen too), it is 100% certain to happen somewhere to someone again (and again). The only positive that I can take from it is that the rarity of such events shows how few such people actually want to inflict this kind of harm. There are a handful of cunts with the desire and the ability to do this kind of thing. They represent no one, apart from cunts. Not even the good type of cunts. The worst kind. 
Doesn’t make it any less horrible and tragic.
Let’s try not to do what the terrorists want. They want us to be less free, they want us to be divided, they want to make us hate people based on their religion using our poor grasp of logic against us, they want the extremist politicians to use this as a reason to create more war and retribution. So we have to try to fight them by pretending they aren’t getting to us and by continuing to go out and enjoy dancing, singing, laughing and not living our lives in fear of an imaginary man in the sky who seems to hate most of us for no good reason and want us to be miserable as possible. (That’s just their god - your own is probably not like that, even if he is also called Alan - as is my understanding).

Anyway, I am not going to solve this in a blog and no one can stop people attacking soft targets like this if that is what they want to do. I didn’t have a gig tonight, but if I had done I would definitely have done it. The only positive about liking me is that I don’t attract big crowds and even non-fundamentalist people haven’t heard of me, so what chance do the mental fundamentalists have? 
People need to laugh and dance. If anything the prospect of a terrible and random death should make you keener to do that then ever. 

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