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Thursday 14th April 2016


I was whizzing along quite nicely, up before my daughter, getting her breakfast, enjoying playing with her, going for a very short run, taking Phoebe to the park and then a short hop over to Wycombe for tonight’s gig. But as I arrived at the theatre I realised how wiped out I felt. I lay down on a sofa in the dressing room and drifted in and out of sleep. And this was just the sixth of my ten gigs in eleven nights.

I loved going to the park with Phoebe. It was raining a bit and the sand pit I’d been looking forward to messing around in with her had been closed as builders did some work on the nearby paddling pool. We went over to another playground and went on the swings and then a rather damp slide, giving me flashbacks to my own childhood and the damp bum that comes with risking a rain-splattered slide. Phoebe didn’t care and I want her to be into dirt and rough and tumble. She then crawled and walked around the area stopping to pick up every twig she saw. For some reason she wanted all the twigs and tried to hold them all in her tiny (though obviously bigger than my) hand. Then when she had enough she neatly placed them in a pile. I wonder what she thought she was doing, but it was interesting to observe. I was quite impressed, but then she started to try and eat all the twigs one by one, even though I stopped her each time and told her that was insane. What’s wrong with her? You don’t eat twigs. Idiot.

The Wycombe gig was a bit of a bump down to earth after Cardiff with just over a hundred people choosing me over “Blood Brothers” which was playing in the bigger room. In spite of my sleep (or maybe because of it) I had the energy required to lift the mood and I think the room had fun. Inevitably I managed to nail a couple of bits that I’ve never got quite right before. Too late for the DVD. Though I think I will at least put an audio recording of one of that later gigs on as an extra to highlight the inevitable changes that will occur in these last 20 gigs.

And for a change this gig was just up the road and I was home within an hour of the end time. I had a glass of whisky and we watched the latest episode of Better Call Saul, which is such a brilliant show, with fantastic performances all round. Just beautiful to watch and it’s such fun to see the back stories of Saul and Mike, though I have a soft spot for Michael Mckean’s character who he manages to make hateful and sympathetic at every turn. The other week I tweeted him to let him know how much I liked him in it and he was kind enough to reply. That's why Twitter is still a force for good, even though there's so much ugliness on there.

Anyway BCS (as all the cool kids call it): beautifully dense stuff. Hugely recommended, even if you didn’t watch Breaking Bad (but you know, watch Breaking Bad).

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