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Saturday 6th June 2020


Having to make the decision whether we send Phoebe back to school next week. It’s very hard to balance the risk of infection against the psychological problems that might be caused by her not socialising for so long. She’s been doing great, but obviously she’d like to see her friends.
And you have to consider that if the relaxation of the lock down leads to a second wave then there’s every chance we’ll all be locked up again in a couple of months. So if we don’t let her out now then she could be away from company other than us for six months or more. So if there’s going to be a second lockdown then we should make the most of what we’re offered now, even if that might make second lockdown more likely.
It’s the lockdown paradox.
We still haven’t made anything like a decision yet. Let’s see which way the wind blows. And whether it blows the virus all over our stupid faces.
I don’t really see how we can escape it until there is a vaccine or treatment. 

I went out for a run this morning. It’s been a good couple of months (if not more) since I last attempted this so I wasn’t expecting much. Plus I’d been drinking last night and not had a huge amount of sleep.
But amazingly it went OK. I didn’t have to stop for breath on the steep hill that constitutes the first kilometre and a half of the run and managed 4k in about 30 minutes, which given the hill was pretty good. I also dared weigh myself this morning and was expecting very bad news, but I’ve only put on a kilo in the last month which gives me a bit of hope that I can get back into shape (by which I mean push myself back towards being overweight on BMI instead of obese).
Felt lovely to be running again though. I’d love to get back to Park Runs but I guess that is a little way away, so for the moment it will have to be the loneliness of the short distance runner.

Tonight I hosted a Thank you comedy gala for the Heckle the Virus justgiving campaign 
It’s great to see that this has topped £100,000 (plus at least another £15000 to come from Mark Watson’s 24 hour show) and it’s made a huge difference to help get stand up comedians with no work through the first part of lockdown.  Over 3000 people tuned in (probably way more than that over the course of the 3 hours, but that was the number watching at any one time) and the event was very well organised by Next Up Comedy, who have also been incredible at running the fund and distributing the money to the right people. They are a great streaming service and you should join up 
It’s incredible to see how sophisticated with streaming tech many comedians have become in a few short weeks (and long months). It’s crazy that it’s possible to jump between so many locations and so many comedians with relative ease. I am not sure anything will be quite the same after this, but am hopeful that some of the negatives for the comedy industry will be balanced out by the positives. I am hoping to do a bit more adventurous stuff via Twitch (and I’ve already pushed the boundaries back a bit and lined them with stones) once I’ve got my writing work out of the way. Much as I miss live work, it’s also cool to be able to just go upstairs to work and be home for the kids’ bath and bedtime and still be able to work.
Most of the acts seemed to be holding it together, though mostly they were isolating with friends and family. One or two have been on their own since March, but are admirably not entirely insane. These people feed on applause. Will someone let them out of this prison of sadness?

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