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Monday 23rd September 2019


I am so tired and reality seems so fuzzy that I am pretty sure I might have died and all that I am experiencing is the hallucinations caused by my brain shutting down. Wish it had the imagination to make me do more fun stuff than having to do into London for midday to do an interview to publicise the tour.
As I drove to the station I wondered about my decision to move to the country and the wasted work days it creates. But then I realised that if I was heading into town from Shepherd’s Bush it would have wasted about the same amount of time.
The interview was good, although as we were partly discussing whether comedy has changed and if it’s true that you can no longer say stuff for fear of offence, there is the usual danger that he might just take a load of my quotes out of context and make me look evil (even though the importance of context was my whole point).
I had dropped off my tour manager at his flat at 1am this morning. We knew we were both heading into London today and wondered if we might end up on the same train, but of course that would have been ridiculously unlikely, even though we were likely to be coming from the same station. No, instead I saw him on the opposite side of the street as I headed down Charing Cross Road after the interview. London is a very big place with a lot of people in it, but by chance we were in the same part of it at the same time. I shouted across to him and he nearly walked out into traffic and killed himself, but luckily he survived and we waved at each other and went on our way.
A world without any coincidences would be weirder than one with one, but stuff like that is really weird. And further proof that I am dead and my brain is making shit up. And has too little imagination to make up me being invited to take part in a big sex party with a buffet of free Flumps.

A pretty sexy stone clearing today, with a newly ploughed field and a stone I actually struggled to get off the Ftocean. You must not masturbate to this podcast however much you want to. You do not have my permission.
Good to see the Ditch that ftopped Brexit doing its stuff though.

And good news Exeter Professor Francesca Stavrakopoulou joins Mike Wozniak for the October 6th RHLSTP. All tour details and links here

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