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Saturday 19th September 2020


OK, I had another one. But do you think that basically one Solero every five days is a problem? Of course it isn’t. You’ve got the problem. You're the one obsessed with it.
The Solero was offset by another 6km run this morning (plus a longish dog walk), plus the adrenaline of having to fight off a friendly Dalmatian who was missing his 100 mates so decided to try and play with me instead. Good to see someone else totally failing to discipline their dog though. 
The run felt OK though by the time I’d taken my daughter to her gym lesson and then been the person responsible for reloading the water pistols so that my kids could attack my wife (I chose my role well) I needed to catch up on some sleep and went to bed for an hour. 
I woke up confused and feeling worse, but I rallied and that nap got me through the rest of the day and meant I had enough energy to have a date night with my wife which involved me cooking steak and then us eating it with a posh bottle of red wine that I’ve had for so long that I can’t remember where it came from (it was excellent - but as it's been in the inbuilt wine storage in our kitchen for about 3 years it was covered in dust and looked like it had been in a wine cellar for half a century) and then watching Captain Fantastic on Netflix. I’d never heard of it but from the name I assumed it was going to be some kind of parody superhero film. But it wasn’t.
It’s an enjoyable and engaging and only a little bit weird film about a family who have chosen (or at least the father has) to live an alternate lifestyle away from capitalist America. My wife said you saw a man’s cock in it, which was good enough a recommendation for me. “You don’t see many cocks in films” my wife observed. “You’re watching the wrong films,” I told her.
If you want to ease yourself into films with men’s cocks in them then is a good place to start as it’s only on screen for a brief time and isn’t doing the stuff that the cocks do in the other films I’ve seen. 
We enjoyed it. Even the bits without a cock. (Spoiler) it’s definitely the best film that I’ve seen which involves a family of kids flushing their mum down a toilet.

I found out today that I am now older than Shakespeare was when he died. I’ve only managed to write 5 plays and none of them were tragedies (unless you count “I Killed Rasputin” which my bank manager would probably classify as such), but it’s quality not quantity, right. I’ve done more podcasts and blogs than Shakespeare. In fact I doubt there is anyone in history  who can beat me in terms of combined numbers. Nah, there will be some cunt out there who has beaten me. There's always one.

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