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Friday 1st July 2016


Last night I was in Bristol doing the excellent Comedy Gardens gig and I stayed overnight as I was doing Chippenham tonight.  I woke early (of course), but managed to get a fair amount of work done. I got kicked out of the hotel at midday so went for a walk. 

Down near the Waterfront were some ghosts of First World War soldiers. I had read about them on Twitter where there were reports of mysterious young men dressed in 1916 battle dress had been milling around train stations and handing out cards (when asked) with the name of a soldier who lost his life 100 years ago today at the Battle of the Somme. I had assumed it was a London thing, so was surprised to see this group milling casually around in Bristol. And it was extremely affecting. I assume they chose actors who were the same age as the soldiers they were portraying, but they looked so very young, like children playing at dressing up. And it really brought home how that would also have been the case a hundred years ago. These boys, playing at men, heading off to France to die. I was very moved by it. 

Well played, National Theatre.

I was glad I’d bumped into that. In another 100 years time there will be actors doing reconstructions of Brexiters cheering in the street, not knowing that their actions had destroyed the nation. I am sure the 22nd Century people will love the irony.

Lions led by donkeys.

I went on stage in Chippenham, with what is the first official “The Best” gig, and commented that there was no way of knowing how far the news would have moved on by the time the show was over in an hour’s time. But we did come out to a new world. Wales had been 1-0 down when I started and were 2-1 up when I finished and then put in another for luck. Something amazing and positive to brighten up the gloom. My grandma’s family were from Wales, as was my first girlfriend so I am taking it as a victory for me. Which is a relief because I was going to have to go with loving chocolate and Plastic Bertrand if it had gone the other way.

I’d enjoyed a couple of days on the road, though it was a nice change that at both gigs I got to hang out with other comics. I listened to ecstatic Welsh fans on the radio all the way home. First smile from the news for a little while. And I’ve taken a bit of a step forwards with the As It Occurs To Me scripts - we’re going to be filming the first few bits this month which makes it seem more real. 

Did I mention that the second guest on next Monday's RHLSTP will be lovely Matthew Crosby, joining the equally lovely Nish Kumar. Buy your tickets here.

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