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Talking C*ck

It's the news you've all been waiting for. The much anticipated, "postponed due to lack of interest" gig in Carlisle has been rescheduled.
Here are the details

Stanwix Arts Centre, Carlisle
23rd November 2003 at 8pm

Stanwix Arts Theatre
Cumbria Insitute of the Arts
Brampton Road

Box office - 01228 534 664

All tickets £12

If you live in or near Carlisle then please book a ticket immediately. If you know anyone who lives in Carlisle, please tell them to book a ticket immediately.
Don't let not living in Carlisle stop you. You have time to plan transport to the gig from any place in the world.
Let's make this work.
To have one gig cancelled in Carlisle might be seen as an accident, to have two would be an embarrassment that would force me to resign from the world of comedy to spend more time with my family.
And I don't have a family.

Details of other gigs and book events can be found in the gig guide at

Hope to see you at one of them.
Rich Herring

PS My book, Talking Cock, should be in a book shop near you from Thursday 9th October. If you can't get to Carlisle, this book is the next best thing.

PPS Do not press reply to this email if you want to contact me as it won't come through to me. Instead email me at
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