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November PS

Hi all
Just to let you know that after a little wrangling with BBC compliance and a three minor cuts for editorial reasons, Fist of Fun series 2 is now available exclusively from Go Faster Stripe. It's packed with extras and fills four discs and it's the perfect Christmas gift for someone who likes Fist of Fun. Get it here -
And if you haven't got series 1 yet then buy that as well -

As you probably know it's cost us a lot of money to get the rights to put out these DVDs and it's been a lot of fuss and bother for Chris Evans (not that one) from gfs, so we'd massively appreciate your support.

And don't forget all my other DVDs (including What is Love, Anyway? - are available on the same site. Plus loads of great DVDs from other great comics. Please support gfs. They are ace.

It seems unlikely that we will be able to bring out TMWRNJ I am afraid, but you never know. We'll keep you informed.

Thanks for all your support in getting Fist of Fun out there almost unscathed!
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