Richard Herring's Manhood

Script of the pilot episode (which was made but not broadcast) of my Richard Herring's Manhood series.


Richard Herring's Manhood

Proposal for my never made Richard Herring's Manhood Radio series.


Chocolate and Me

An early draft of my radio show about going to visit Cadbury's Chocolate factory which was broadcast in the mid 90s.


It's not the End of the World

This is the script of my 1999 play "It's not the End of the World". Again probably a few changes made to this draft, but it's more or less it.


Sex Amongst the Stalagmites

This is a late draft of my never made sit-com "Sex Amongst the Stalagmites". Needs some work, but there's definitely something good in there.


Richard Herring is Fat

This is a late (but possibly not final draft) of my 1994 Edinburgh show "Richard Herring is Fat"


Richard Herring is Fat

This is the programme from the 1994 Edinburgh show "Richard Herring is Fat"


Richard Herring is All Man

This is, as near as dammit, the final script of Richard Herring is All Man from Edinburgh 1995.


Richard Herring is All Man

This is the programme of the Edinburgh show "Richard Herring is All Man". If a sheet of paper can be called a programme!


Monkeys and C words

This was a short story I wrote for a competition in 1994. It didn't get anywhere in the competition, but did form the basis of my show Richard Herring is All Man. Also we recorded a sketch based on this for Fist of Fun, which didn't make it on to TV. All I remember is that the bloke playing my body double was about 2 inches shorter than me!