Express 8th December 2008

Monday December 8,2008
As anyone who has tried to write a weblog or even diary knows, it’s not always easy to keep it going on a regular basis.
So hats off to comedian Richard Herring who has just celebrated an unbroken six years of his addictive and frequently hilarious daily blog Warming Up, about his life and work.

Now this veritable Samuel Pepys of the internet is bringing out the blog in book form via the comedy website, with the first volume looking at 2002/3.

Bye Bye Balham contains a new running commentary on more personal aspects that he kept out of the blog at the time, such as the gradual unravelling of a whirlwind romance.

Herring, 41, says: “I thought the book would be good for new fans of the blog who want to catch up. It’s interesting to look at events with the benefit of hindsight. It’s like a little soap opera. Everyone should keep a diary and then review events – it helps you to find out who you really are (or at least were).

“I will carry on with the blog as long as it is useful and doesn’t impinge too much on my proper work or my personal life. It’s fun for people to keep up with and a useful way for me to generate ideas. Most of the material in my last four stand-up shows originated in the blog.”