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April newsletter - important PS

Sorry forgot to mention
I am trying to get the new Edinburgh Fringe programme ready in time for all the previews, so have set up another justgiving page for those generous and vain souls who want to see their name in print.
If you donate at least £15 (the more you donate the bigger your name will appear in the programme), then not only will you see your name up in lights (well in a booklet in ink), but you will also be sent a signed limited edition programme which is almost guaranteed to escalate in value when I finally become well-known, but most importantly all the money will go to SCOPE.
The last date to donate is May 17th. After that it will be too late as the programme will be at the printers.
If you fancy donating then please visit -
and then email me your address to so I can send you your programme when it's ready.
Thanks so much - thanks to your generosity these programmes have made almost £200,000 in the last nine years.
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