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Richard Herring - May News Extra

Just a quickie to mention a couple of things

TALKING C*CK - the book
The wonderful idiots at Go Faster Stripe have paid to have 3000 copies of my 2003 book "Talking C*ck" printed up. It's another bold and expensive move from the Welsh misfits, so it would be lovely if you bought a copy. You can get it exclusively from though I will also be selling it at Talking C*ck gigs over the next few months.

Tickets for both Talking C*ck: The Second Coming and Richard Herring's Edinburgh Fringe Podcast are now on sale - it's worth booking ahead if you want to see one of he cheaper preview shows or if you're coming up at the weekend.
You can get tickets for both shows here -[2012-08-01T06%3A00%3A00Z%20TO%202012-09-05T06%3A00%3A00Z]
It'll be way better than the Olympics.

WHAT IS LOVE, ANYWAY? - Final gigs
The final two performances of my long tour will be at the Bloomsbury Theatre on the 15th and 16th May. There are still tickets for both shows. You can get them here -
The DVD of the show will be out later in the year, also from

Or if you want something for free then why not download the Leicester Square Theatre Podcasts from iTunes or

That's all I have to say
Thanks for reading
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