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Lyric Comedy night

Hey all
Sorry to bug you.
Just a reminder about the Lyric Comedy Nights which are starting on Sunday 20th Sept at 8pm at the Lyric Hammersmith on King St.
I am hosting an amazing line up including Al Murray, Alistair McGowan and Wilson Dixon. News of this gig does not seem to have got out to the world and there are still plenty of tickets left. But for this night to survive into the future we have to show there's a demand for top class comedy, so if you're around please come along. And try and pass the news on, as this is a staggeringly good line up.
You can book tickets at or by calling 0871 22 117 29
Tickets are £15, but only £10 if you sit in the Upper Circle and chances are that the place will not be full, so you'll be moved down a tier anyway. So why not buy the cheaper tickets and (probably) get a full price seat!
These nights are amongst the best comedy gigs I have ever been involved with, so do come along if you can!
Rich Herring
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