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Monday 26th March 2007

I cannot write about the thing I would really like to write about today as I had to sign a contract that swears me to secrecy about everything that was said, who I was with and what we decided this evening. I was on the judging panel for something for a prestigious prize and that in itself might be telling you too much, but it was a fascinating insight into the way these things work. Alas I have to keep the insights to myself or the people behind the award would have me killed. They might have me killed just for what has been written already. If I die in the next week then you know who is responsible. Or rather you don't. Because I can't tell you.
Oooh I wish I could.
The whole thing made me feel less bad about never having won a big award before (and that is not to demean the notbbc awards that I won last year, because they mean a whole lot more to me, especially now). I would still like to win one though. I hope this entry doesn't mean I will be barred for life! TV Quick will be furious with me! (That is a joke. It wasn't them).
I got a nice surprise when I asked my evil management company Avalon to let me know how pre-sales for the Arts Theatre were looking. They have been avoiding my emails so I imagined that things would be looking bad. Last time I played the Arts Theatre with "Christ on a Bike" audience numbers were low. I think I averaged around about 30 or 40 a night (maybe lower) and I had been on TV quite recently then, and I had decided to myself that if I could get 50 people a night this time round that that would be quite acceptable and enough to make the gig viable.
So I was astonished to see that I have pretty much sold 50 tickets for every single night (two nights it's only 43, but those are for next week) and a couple of the gigs have already sold over 100 seats. Obviously one would expect some people to turn up on the day or book a bit late, so this was a very pleasing start. It still leaves a lot of seats available, but perked me up a bit. Hopefully once things get going then sales will pick up further, so I would advise you to book ahead if you're shilly-shallying, especially if you want to come to one of the Friday or Saturday dates.
Thanks for the support. I know it must be mainly you lot, but it's a nice sign that things have turned a bit of a corner for me and are moving in the right direction. A comedy gig really is a case of the more, the merrier, so do spread the news to anyone you think might be interested. Come on, I'll be dead soon thanks to my blabbermouth. Make my last few days on earth as happy as possible.

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