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Saturday 9th October 2021

Fingerbobs was right there at the start for me and I loved Fingermouse and can still sing many of the songs from this show word perfect. For people my age Yoffy is a hippy and anarchic uncle whose eyes were full of mischief and who could conjure up adventure from nothing. Also I hadn't heard of scampi before he did his show.
Perhaps it is (at least partially) responsible for my life long fixation on puppetry. I suspect Twitch of Fun might include its own kind of tribute next week.
Out for a run at 7.35am with mist hanging over the fields and spiders cursing the dew for giving away the location of their webs. I had run 12km before 9am, when you were still snoozing in bed, you lightweight.
Thursday's run had been fluid and easy, but my legs were heavy today (possibly due to exercising quite hard for the last two days or maybe just lack of sleep) but I pushed on and the second half of the run was a little easier and I enjoyed running past horses scratching their necks on posts and through fields of ripe corn.
Less than a month to go to the full half marathon.
Thanks to a friend looking after the kids I had a rare few Saturday hours to catch up on work and got episode 5 of Relativity into a state where I could send it to the producer (though still with the last few pages needing some filling in). That's four scripts sent off now (I haven't written episode 4 yet) which would feel better if it was September 10th. I don't think I will have all six ready for the read through on the 20th, but we don't record til the first week of November (and cast availability might mean we have to so a day or two of recording at a later date), so we will get there. And there should be time to make sure everything is logically consistent and to add a few layers and callbacks and sharpen things up. It's got a good shot of being the best series yet, but at the very least should break the record for number of time testicles are mentioned on daytime Radio 4.

The paperback edition of "The Problem With Men" arrived unexpectedly today. I'd forgotten that that was coming out too. Though not til November 4th. It's the perfect International Men's Day gift for any international men that you might know. It will be available from or wherever you get your books.

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