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Tuesday 8th April 2003

I thankfully got my comedy mojo back tonight and did one of the best performances of the show yet. This cheered me up a lot.
It is pathetic how much a below par gig can ruin your day, and that a good one can turn you into the king of the world. How insecure and childish comedians are!
I love Melbourne and when I'm sitting in a cafe drinking a latte and eating the most beautifully prepared foccaccia you have ever seen(with a combined cost of about three pounds) I think that it might be good to live here.
But things are generally so perfect and there is so little to annoy one, that I wonder if I would ever come up with any comedy here at all.
I am finding it hard to think of anything to write about for this warming up section (which is partly because it's a festival and so the daylight hours are largely spent either asleep or in a hangover induced blur). If I lived here all the time I would still only be able to write about the high quality and low cost of the food and service in this city. And about how friendly everyone is.
Which would soon become boring.
So I am looking forward to returning to damp and dingy London, with its expensive coffee and limp sandwiches,which are all the fuel I need to be amusing.

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