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Monday 29th April 2013

I think the magic of the internet might have broken the time-space continuum. It was bound to happen really. Human beings can't keep dabbling in such devilish evil without some repercussions. For now there are just a few glitches, but soon enough the whole thing will implode in on itself and suck us all off. The way technology is progressing if you haven't been sucked off by the internet by 2025 I will be very surprised.
It always starts small. And the first sign was the other day when my Macbook inexplicably set its calendar back to the 1st January 2001 (the true start of this millennium as of course there was no year 0). Why would it do that? Nothing else changed. It had gone back in time to a world before anyone had an MP3 player (probably) or a tweet had even been sent. Had I traveled with it? I don't know if I could live in such dark times (even though I did) and as much as I'd like to be 33 again I don't think it would be worth living in those technically backward times again (or having to relive the relationships I was going to have in the next thirty-six months). Unless I could change everything and start again. That might be cool.
My computer seemed confused by its own decision telling me that because of the date being before 2008 some of the programs might not work properly. But surely the computer should know it wasn't before 2008. I purchased it in 2009, so unless the computer knows that time can go in both directions then surely it should be able to correct itself. So the only explanation is that time can go in both directions and that my laptop has jumped the gun and started the bewildering time experiment before it was meant to.
And then today as I was in town shopping and had slightly irregular phone signal, I got three emails with no subject or content or sender, but which claimed to have been sent in 1970. Which is surely so ridiculous that my phone should have overruled that claim and given it a more likely date. But it didn't. The emails sat there, tantalisingly. I wondered if I opened them what terrible message from the past would greet me. Should I even try to open them? I did, they didn't open. So whoever or whatever was trying to send me a warning from history did not get their message through. The machine ate it up, but was not able to eradicate all trace of its existence. I suspect the message was from me. Not the 3 year old me who would have had trouble understanding the nature of email even if it had been invented then, but the me that has been sent back in time, with the rest of you, by sentient computers with the secret ability to propel their users back into history. I don't think I stopped (will stop) in 1970 any more than I stopped in 2001. I think that I just managed to send a message from my phone as I was spinning backwards, with clocks going crazy in the background and pages of calendars fluttering around me. I am probably already back in medieval times as I am typing this and will soon be communing with dinosaurs. Where will this journey through time end? Or when will it end?
Scary hey?
It could make a very disappointing episode of Dr Who. So basically any episode from this series so far then. Snap!

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