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Tuesday 27th July 2004

CNPS is a tough habit to break, but hopefully I am getting there. It is a strange delight to be able to walk the streets looking at the faces of the people and gazing at the sky, rather than constantly scanning the traffic and parked cars for an elusive number. I am still doing it a bit, I can't help myself, but quickly realise I don't have to anymore and instead go back to observing the world. How many incidents have I missed through my self-imposed ocular imprisonment?
Ironically, so distracted was I by the world's forgotten beauty that I was nearly run over by a massive juggernaut at an intersection on the road. I didn't get its number-plate though, which I'm pleased about.
I found myself smiling at people as I observed them doing the most simple things, particularly at the mothers of small children whose antics seemed unbearably cute. Number-plates have very few antics. Occasionally a personalised one will have a funny joke on it. I saw one saying "S 0 RRY" the other day. But compared to the human race number-plates are quite dull. And yet I have chosen to remain in their company for so long.
I saw a number 1000 the other day and there are a small proportion of number plates that have four figures on them. I considered carrying on to 9999. Then thought, "No, fuck that!"
I am glad I made that decision.

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