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Friday 27th April 2018


Ah, how I love the first couple of days of a diet. 1kg lost in two days. If this keeps up I will be down to my BMI before my birthday. Yes that’s how overweight I am. I am once again 25 kgs over what the Body Mass boffins say I should be. Or 24 now! I am aiming to lose about 10. But we’ll see.
I did well with my fitness pal but the evil elves in Wolverhampton left out a bag of Haribo and some crisps and I couldn’t completely resist (though at least didn’t eat the whole bag of sweets which is a kind of triumph). But I was tired and have picked up another bug from my stupid son and the sugar rush helped me gear up for the show. And I only slightly exceeded my MyFitnessPal calories.
Not a great sign for my will power though.

Ah Wolverhampton. However many times I come up to perform for you (and it’s been every tour for a very long time now), interest in me never really seems to increase (or decrease). There was a time leading up to the Hitler Moustache show where my following seemed to be building. And I could dream that maybe one day I’d play the main room and get to sit in the jacuzzi of horrific 70s memories in the dressing room as I had hoped as long ago as 2009.
The next year I’d be in the Wulfrun Hall and actually getting something like 250 people in, so there was a point where there was an upswing 
But once I stopped pretending to be Hitler, the people of Wolves lost interest and pretty much since then I’ve been in the 160 seater Slade Rooms, pretty much always with about 130 people in. In that 2010 entry I said I’d be happy if there were 100 people in Wolves who wanted to see me every year. I pretty much got that wish.
The gigs are always fun and I love being as rude as possible about Wolverhampton and getting that mixture of affront and amusement that I mentioned in one of those blogs. I will always come here if they ask me and have a lot of respect for Phil who runs the gig and who has been doing (I think) for all the years I’ve been coming here. It’s just usually if you come back year in, year out, the numbers go upwards (if very slowly). In Wolves the 130 people who like what I am doing keep the secret very much to themselves.
I don’t mind. I am just mystified. 
I like the Slade Rooms. You can drive the car into the garage which has a door that leads right through into the venue and their are pictures of Slade all over the dressing room. And there are Haribos. And aside from a woman near the front who looked like she was at her parents’ joint funeral, it seemed to be enjoyed by most. I didn’t think she or her partner would be back in the second half, but there they were, for more punishment. Maybe they thought I’d improve!
I didn’t. But then you know what they say about perfection.
It was the best gig I’ve done in Wolves for a while I’d say and I reckon I might have got 140 people in as a result next year if I was going to be touring. 
Ah the terrible cyclical nature of life, those who write Warming Up are doomed to repeat it. Failing to lose weight. Failing to get into the Wolverhampton whirlpool bath. Finding some contentment anyway.

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