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Tuesday 25th March 2008

Days Without Alcohol - 86.

So I've finished my tour and sent my Scrabble script in, so now I have to try to work out what to do next. I mean there's the not insignificant matter of getting my new Edinburgh show written, but I didn't start the last one til mid-June, so it would seem a bit keen to get going in March. So what should I do?
I decided to dodge the issue for the moment by spending most of the morning sleeping before writing a rare completely original blog for < a href="'> the New Statesman website. I thought about posting it here as today's entry, which I would be justified in doing, but go read it and I will take you through the rest of my dull day anyway.
I also want to get my diet back on track so went to the supermarket to load up with healthy food and then headed down to the gym. By which time it was already after 6. Because I had missed breakfast due to being asleep after a 30 minute run and a 15 minute cycle I had only consumed an aggregate of 32 calories by 7.15. And I didn't even feel hungry. That is just crazy. But it meant I could have a big dinner and still be 900 calories under my target for today. It's not something I have done before and I don't recommend it, but once in a while can't hurt.
I sent out a newsletter after eating. If you haven't subscribed yet then why not fill in your email address in the box on the home page. But you can read what I put here. There seems to be a fair amount of stuff going on, but it hadn't struck me how close it is to the next round of the Lyric Comedy Nights. These were terrific fun last year and sold really well, so do book early. Especially if you want the cheap seats in the Upper Circle (but if you book for all three you can get good seats for just £30 for the whole season). I haven't yet got a headliner for the May gig, but am hoping to sort that out by the end of the week. It will be someone good though, so book now! All the acts that I get on these nights are top notch, even the ones that you might not have heard of. It's a real privilege to choose my favourite comics for these nights and if you like my stuff I think you'll like the people I've chosen.
I then counted up the remaining money from the tour SCOPE collection. I am pleased to announce that on top of all the money raised on the website, plus some more from the pre-Christmas gigs, we have raised just shy of £3000 on this tour. So thanks to everyone who gave anything. You will be rewarded in baby Heaven.
I am planning to do a new double programme for my probable two Edinburgh shows and stay tuned here for details of how you can get your name in it as well as a limited edition copy delivered to your house. And so it keeps spinning on round.

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