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Tuesday 24th April 2012

Baboon killing, attention seeking, cockhole Arsehole Anus Gash Intercourse Labia Lavatory (or AA Gill for short) is up to his old tricks of saying and doing stupidly shocking things in order to give himself the illusion that he is in some way important. Alas, by even commenting on his stupidity I am just throwing logs on to the hungry fire that is his ego, but maybe if enough logs are thrown on the fire will actually extinguish. Especially if we piss on the logs before we throw them on the fire. And then shit in a paper bag and push it through his letterbox. That last part is not a metaphor. Just need to find out where he lives. I will let you know the address. And I will provide the bags - am sourcing ones that are strong enough to contain the shit initially, but will then burst open the minute they are handled.
This time he's had a go at a woman I absolutely love, intellectually and sexually, the brilliant Mary Beard - I wrote about her Pompeii book back in 2008. She's a top academic who can communicate about history in a way that is fascinating and entertaining, which is no mean feat and she has a naughty sense of humour too. She is not your average TV presenter, but weirdly we have got to a point where if someone (especially a woman, but increasingly men as well) on TV isn't young and doesn't look like a part time model then that is somehow odd. Witness the reaction to Susan Boyle. People were laughing in her face because she dared to go on a talent show, when she looked a bit unusual, which obviously meant she couldn't sing. Because TV has become so full of vapid and identikit "beautiful" people, it's got to the point where people think it's comic if a normal looking person pops up on screen.
Arsehole Anus made some stupid comments about Mary Beard's appearance and Mary Beard is more than capable of sticking up for herself, but if I was a TV critic I'd be bemoaning the fact that the networks will filled with presenters employed for the way they look rather than how good they are at communicating ideas. It's fucking marvelous that someone as good as Beard has made it on to TV and it shows great strength of character that she has resisted any urging to have a makeover or to change in any way. She is properly sexy anyway and if I wasn't married I'd be knocking on her door (after washing my hands on the way back from Arsehole Anus' house) and asking her to tell me about Roman brothels. We need more normal looking people on TV and this isn't just a pitch for me to get back on. In fact with looks like mine this is actually an argument against me being on, right ladies?
Of course Arsehole Anus Gash Intercourse Labia Lavatory is rubbing his hands at all this, because people are talking about him and liks some kind of shit Dr Who monster he will cease to exist if no one notices him. But my suggestion is that from now on, whenever anyone is talking of writing about him they call him Arsehole Anus Gash Intercourse Labia Lavatory, just like we all now call Nick Griffin, DickIbegyourpardonNick Griffin. If Arsehole Anus Gash Intercourse Labia Lavatory became the name that he was always referred to by then I think he might slowly realise it's best just to shut the fuck up.
Much better than getting rid of normal looking people from TV would be to get rid of twats off of TV, though I suspect that would leave quite a few job vacancies to fill. And once again ensure that I do not fulfill my dream of getting back on the telly, I just want to be on the telly.
And for every Arsehole Anus Gash Intercourse Labia Lavatory cleaning up faeces off their hallway carpet there are ten thousand reasonable and decent human beings. It's absolutely wonderful to see the public reaction to the tragic death of Claire Squires in the Marathon at the weekend. Just got to her justgiving page and press refresh every ten seconds to see how many people are going there and donating a fiver or a tenner. I watched the total go up 15 grand in just a few minutes. And whilst you're there why not donate something too. It's a spontaneous and fitting tribute showing most people are not Arsehole Anus Gash Intercourse Labia Lavatories. Of course some Arsehole Anus Gash Intercourse Labia Lavatories are out there, I heard one woman commenting on the radio that it was bad that a charity was benefiting from someone's death, but the Arsehole Anus Gash Intercourse Labia Lavatories are the tiny minority. It's only in gestures like this that you ever get to hear about the reasonably nice majority, whose views are not entertaining enough to fill papers or radio phone ins. Don't be an Arsehole Anus Gash Intercourse Labia Lavatory. Let's just get it down to there being one Arsehole Anus Gash Intercourse Labia Lavatory. And let's make him live in an arsehole anus gash intercourse labia lavatory - a toilet facility made exclusively from these things- for the rest of his life. With some sniper baboons taking pot shots at him. Just so they can see what it feels like to shoot an Arsehole Anus Gash Intercourse Labia Lavatory in an arsehole anus gash intercourse labia lavatory.

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