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Thursday 21st October 2004

It was almost exactly a year ago today that I last came to The Platform in Morecambe to do Talking Cock. I know, cos I checked to see what sandwich rating I gave it and disappointinly discovered that I forgot. I had fish and chips last year and that had to be worth at least 5.5. Tonight I had steak and that was probably a 6.
More disappointingly there were less people here this year than last, though the weather might have had something to do with that. It was pissing down with rain and there was a strong wind.
The Platform used to be a railway station and it has a glass roof (which was very useful when we were trying to set up the projector in daylight). As I walked on stage the sound of the wind and rain hitting the building was almost deafening. Then there was a flash of lightening. It was as if the CNPS gods wanted me away from this place. It made for a strange atmosphere, and I was a little unsettled, but I calmed down even if the weather didn't and the show went fine.
I was offered the part that Tony Wilson didn't want. I am going to make them wait a day and then accept it. Just so they don't realise how desperate I am for Tony Wilson's cast off work. I am going to pretend that I might have another film part potentially up for grabs. Let them sweat it out in their basement flat.
Look at me with all my gigs and my movie career. My gigs in Bangor and Morecambe and my nuts for acting film deals. No-one can say my career is on the skids.

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