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Friday 17th June 2016


I really hoped to get some proper work on AIOTM done this week and had at least a good couple of days to get going on it, but my heart is not in it right now.  All I know is that these two young men managed to sum up both sides of the argument pretty succinctly back in the mid-90s. Watch their video to see which side you belong on

Watching that video led me on to viewing this one and I managed to work out that today is the very day that I became the exact same age as Peter Dibdin is in that sketch. I think I look mildly younger than him. But his arse is better.

How that Shrewsbury Pie Pie sketch never makes it to the list of best ever sketches I just don’t know. It’s awesome. My favourite bit is the way that Bill Cashmere puts on a stupid voice when he is playing the part of the pie collector and reads all of those old-fashioned swirly fs as s’s. No my favourite bit is Rebecca Front. No, it’s all my favourite bit.

We filmed at least another  ten minutes of that and Andrew Mackay, the Pie Man, nearly died in that big pie. He went into shock or something from the cold and if I recall correctly was only saved because the producer’s friend was on set and happened to be a doctor. Still it was a good enough sketch to justify a death or two and we would have put it out in tribute to him.

And look at the budget we had to create that thing. Those were the days. Luckily we’re some way from me being the same age as Cecil Massey, the character I play in that sketch (I think this may have been his only TV appearance, but I performed as him a lot at college and even in the early days of the stand up circuit and once went to Speaker’s Corner to be him (though without the make-up I was just a young man who looked like a child in a duffle coat and a funny hat).

It was a good day to escape to the past for a little while. Would that this hoodie were  a time hoodie. There’s a 10p prize for the first person to correctly identify the source of that quote. Please note this prize will come in the form of a 10p voucher useable against any purchase made on one of my DVDs at gofasterstripe.

I wonder if I can just redo old Fist of Fun sketches in AIOTM. Even better just use the original footage. I’ve already spent the kick-starter money on 1 million penny chews.

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