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Monday 17th October 2016


I like to push myself, but the last three days have maybe been a bit too much. But only death will stop me so I followed up yesterday’s two podcast records with two more podcast records. But RHLSTP is generally speaking a fun way to spend the day and I had two fantastic guests who I knew wouldn’t be short of anything to say: Kerry Godliman and suspect cupboard smasher Chris Addison. And my morning’s work consisted of watching Christopher Guest’s new film, “Mascots” because Kerry has a part in it. So I can’t really complain. The benchmark of Spinal Tap is an impossible one to live up to, but there’s lots of laughs in here and some great performances. If anything Guest is a victim of his own success - the mockumentary style of comedy is now so prevalent that at times Mascots seems like it owes a debt to The Office (rather than the other way round). But it’s incredibly exciting to see Kerry in amongst the genius luminaries that Guest works with. I realised with a shock that it was over a decade ago that we played a dysfunctional couple in Hard to Swallow. But only just over a decade it turns out. Fucking Hell. You can judge for yourself if it was any good, here, but I always hoped me and Kerry might work together again.

Anyway it’s great to see both her and former cheese-obsessed, probably cupboard smasher Addison again. And of course many of the crew from last night, all looking as weary as I felt, but clearly feeling happy with how it all went. Unsurprisingly perhaps, doing two shows in two days, both had been around about half full and tonight’s crowd was maybe a bit more listeny than laughy, but they stayed attentive right to the end of a long and hot night. And they got two really good podcasts (er I mean one) with laughs and stuff to make you think and some awkward product placement and some badinage with some men with beards in the audience and a man who works in US TV who I am sure was about to snap up the rights to the programme for a multimillion pound fee.

Somehow the quality of the conversation made me forget how tired I was, though I was exhausted of topical material having shot my wad yesterday. But the new emergency questions went down OK and Andy McH turned out to be a resident expert on the Human Centipede. The series is whizzing by. We’ve now done six of the eighteen podcasts (and it only feels like it’s taken three weeks) and though there are still a few names to book and I’ve been ill for four of the six, it seems to be shaping up well. 

I wish York City were a famous football team, because what’s been going on at the club over the last few weeks is one of the most comic things I’ve ever seen. But tonight with a new manager who had taken over from the caretaker manager (who unusually was the previous manager who had just resigned and who is now an executive at the club) and who was also the old manager who got sacked after a run of terrible results, lost his first game to Curzon Ashton who I think are a cinema team from an ever lower league than us (though maybe not for long). It’s been a life of humiliation supporting York, but never quite as great as over the last fortnight. I was able to talk to the taxi driver who brought me home about it, like I was a proper man. But I am not a proper man and I think he could tell really.

You can now listen to the second episode of the AIOTM bonus audio podcast - remember this is not what the kick-starter paid for, just a little bonus extra .

Did I mention the Armando Ianucci RHLSTP is already up on iTunes, youtube and the British Comedy Guide? Well it is.

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