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Thursday 12th February 2009

I felt better today and got up at 7.30am which is a bit of an improvement. And though I didn't get as much work done as I had hoped, I did at least do something. And I went to the gym. But I needed to. I keep looking back at the day I cracked my rib and wondering if I will ever be as fit as I was just before that accident. Certainly due to that and other old age aches and pains and dizziness I have slipped down that slippery slope since then. I hope I can get back to it, but there are a few signs that point to the fact that I might not be able to. I'm hardly decrepit, but am just starting to realise that there are physical attributes that once lost will not return. The effect of that wine (and maybe it was just something in the red wine that I reacted badly to) has made me realise that the old days of consquence free boozing are over.
People always say youth is wasted on the young and I remember older people telling me to make the most of my youth because things would change, but somehow that information doesn't get through until it actually happens to you. Though I knew I wasn't immortal or impervious to decline, somehow I felt that that was always going to be years and years away, but now I can taste the first bitter fruits of regret about not having made the most of having a body that functioned at 100%. This probably already sounds worse than it is and my problems at the moment are very minor ones, but I guess that hand in hand with working on this book about getting old in body if not in mind and the slight depression at having put on nearly a stone in weight since last August (still a stone down on this time last year) have made me a little contemplative.
It's hard and a little frightening to notice the early signs of decline, but of course, one should use that as an incentive to make the most of having the faculties I have left to me. So I am going to push myself to get back to a pre-Tim Keys level of fitness at least - and maybe these thoughts are aggravated by seeing my rib cracking enemy on TV doing the very show that crippled me, riding high on BBC4 as I visibly rot and stultify.
Ah, but Keys feels fit and happy now and is not even thinking of the terrible decline that lies in wait for him. When I wait in the bushes outside the BBC and smack him in the ribcage with a monkey wrench.
Make the most of your youth, my lovelies. Though I know my pleas with fall on deaf ears (or blind eyes). Because although you think you know that you get old and die, you don't really believe it, do you? You think it's something far away in the distant future, but no. It's creeping up on you, like an insane Somerset man with a monkey wrench and one day all the things you take for granted will have fallen by the wayside and leave you as a useless, unloved, redundant husk.
Still as long as I can still get it up I am happy. And I am 100% confident that that will never go. I mean, older men have warned me about it, but it's not going to happen to me.
On Twitter, the enemy of work, people were wishing each other a Happy Darwin Day. My old eyes initially misread this as Happy Darren Day. Don't you think that the love rat and serial engager deserves a day to celebrate his life a lot more than some fusty old bearded Victorian who came up with a ridiculous idea that we were descended from monkeys. At least Darren Day has done his bit for the evolution of the species by having sex with as many different women as possible, leading to the possibility that one day, all human beings may be descended from him. Plus all the proceeds of the day could go his off-spring and spurned lovers.
You might want to call it Darren Day Day, but I think just Darren Day does the trick. And with Valentines and St Skeletor's Day coming up, we only need to think of four more love based days and we can have a week of celebrating love, love-rats and lovelessness.

It doesn't look like I'll be alone in the Leicester Square Theatre over the next couple of weeks. Ticket sales are ticking along quite nicely. Still plenty left, but probably worth booking in advance just to be safe. Plus if you're quick you can take advantage of a limited 2 for 1 offer for Tuesday-Thursday gigs at SEE Tickets or It would be great if you let all your friends know about the show. It's getting some nice previews and all is shaping up for a fun fortnight.
And do book early for the tour. Wolverhampton was very near to selling out and apparently Warwick is now completely sold out. Those are the only two I have heard about so far, but I am looking into it. Book now to avoid disappointment. Once this tour is over this show will be gone (though I will be doing a DVD at some point).

Plus good news for iPhone users. Web King Rob Sedgebeer has put together a version of Warming Up that you should be able to read more easily on your tiny screen. It's at I am setting up an RSS feed for Twitter twits.

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