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Saturday 10th May 2008

Podcast Miracle.
Thank you very much to Andrew Collings fanatic, Paul, who gave the goody two shoes advice on how to rescue podcast 12 from the ashes. We once were lost, but now are found. Like a phoenix combined with a Jesus we are back. Which makes me wonder what Jesus would do if he came back as a phoenix. As you may know, I believe that Jesus would have to visit each species of animal to spread his good work - I have speculated about his work with rats before. So presumably he would also come back for the phoenixes too. I don't think the fact that they are fictional would put him off. If anything he would be more likely to want to visit them for that very reason, as they would have something in common. But when it came to his execution by the phoenix Pontius Pilate, how would he then prove his godhead? To impress his immortal phoenix worshippers he would have to fail to resurrect from the flames.
Anyway, the recovery of the podcast proves that me and Collings are, if not the new Jesuses, we are at the very least blessed by God. You can now decide if my slightly negative review of the podcast was justified and whether it would have been better if it had never been found. It's up in the usual place or subscribe through iTunes and help us regain our rightful 16th place. Do tell any friends you think might enjoy it. There's increasing podcast competition and we need to keep our amateur heads above water.

A long drive up to North Yorkshire to perform what is the third last OFIF gig (I thought the last one was the third last, but apparently I am also doing the show in Kendal, so this one is the third last and the last one was the fourth last, though I think the next two will only be hour long versions so this is the last full length one). I was in a tiny village hall in a town called Hovingham, where parts of "All Creatures Great and Small" were filmed, but which might have also made a good location for "The League of Gentlemen". I was nervous that my material might prove to be a bit in-your-face for such a small and rural audience, but it was one of the most enjoyable nights of the tour. Aside from a couple near the front who blanched a bit during my paedophile bit and sat stony faced for the rest of the first half (though the woman involuntarily laughed during one of the ruder bits of the "Give Me Head" routine) and then left in the interval, everyone seemed to love it. In the last couple of gigs I have really nailed the imaginary conversation with the girl in the second half - "Don't do it as a routine...but if you do it as a routine.. don't do this bit." I don't think it was quite as good in the DVD recording, which is a shame, but maybe these things are better disappearing into the ether. It's different every time and that is what makes it special.
Anyway it was well worth the drive to perform for these lovely people. Even if Christopher Timothy would be turning in his grave if he knew what was going on in the town he once charmed with his presence. I know he isn't dead, but I have it on good authority that the actor likes to sleep in graves. Other people's graves. But even a corpse appreciates some company and a hug. Though maybe not some of the other things that the ex-Doctors star chooses to do to them. Allegedly. Admittedly it is only me that alleges this. And there is no evidence whatsoever for what is an entirely unwarranted supposition. But you know what, I bet I am right.
Thanks to those of you who traveled from miles away to see what seems to be my only gig in this region during this tour. To be fair I came a lot further than you. I hope, like me, you feel the trip was justified.

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